Estimating Cost per Mbps of Communication Satellites Over Time
Using SCPI and PyVISA to Automatically Collect Data for ADC Characterization
Characterizing the ESP32's ADC
Quintuple Simultaneous Booster Landings with kOS
S-Curves Allow You to Predict the Future
Why You Should Accumulate Capital
How to Teach Engineering
Extrapolating Demand and Competition for the 1-ton Rocket Class
How to Land an Orbital Rocket Booster with kOS
Visualizing Small Sat Constellation Tradeoffs with Charts
Small Sat Constellations: The line between Electron and Rideshare
On the Overallocation of Labour to Finance and Law
What SpaceX's Bandwagon Missions Mean for Small Rockets
Stoke's Nova is a Perfectly Sized Rocket
Comparing Demand for Firefly's Alpha vs. Electron
Analysing the Dedicated Small Sat Launch Market
Analysing Neutron in the Commerical Satellite Launch Market
Patriotism is a Requirement
Only Make Bets You Can Win
Art Is Dead?
Waste Your Vote! Do What's Funniest!
You Will Get 80 Trillion Dollars If You Read This Closely
NASA's fucked - Here's my vision
Applying the Law of Accelerating Returns
Stoke Nova Cost Model - Will it Survive?
The Bare Minimum Engineer
The Transition to EV Robotaxis